We welcome you to the wild lands of Rolling Ridge Conservancy. These private lands, open dawn to dusk, comprise over 1500 acres of beautiful forest and are protected by conservation easements held by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy and the Clark County Easement Authority. We are happy to share these woodlands with the general public for recreational and meditative health. You are welcome to hike and bicycle the designated trails within the Conservancy, except when they are closed during posted dates of hunting season. Private residences, buildings, structures, and surrounding areas are not open to the public.

Hunting Notice
2024 Deer Hunting Season runs from September 28 through December 31
Rolling Ridge Conservancy works with local hunters to manage the deer population in our woods.
During deer hunting season, always wear bright colors (ideally blaze orange), exercise caution, and stay ON the trails.
Dogs must be kept on a leash AND have a bright color vest or bandana.
We value our relationship with the hunters, who provide a necessary service in the absence of other predators. Deer overpopulation leaves deer unhealthy and malnourished, and over-browsing has decimated the forest understory. Hunters harvest deer safely and thoughtfully and use the venison for food.

2024 Closure Dates
Trails CLOSED to mountain bikers from:
October 24 through December 31
Trails CLOSED to hikers and bikers from:
October 24 through October 27
November 25 through December 31
Respectful Use
When on Rolling Ridge Consevancy land, we ask you to adhere to these simple requests to protect the fragile forest.
Respect others you encounter on the property.
Protect animal and plant life. Do not disturb, cull, harvest, or trample.
Stay on designated trails in public use areas.
Walk bicycles at stream crossings or when others are nearby.
Avoid trail use in inclement weather.
Limit group sizes to 8 people or less to reduce human impact.
No unauthorized camping, commercial use, or fee-based use.